Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tiny Tim’s Wedding Entourage

Creatures of the night
rats under the shoehorns
the old fool who runs the corner grocery store
is selling raspberries
but he would be out of business
were it not for the rabbits who
push their noses into the corners
of the shop.
let that be a lesson to you
we were told
and let it be repeated for all to hear
that night comes but once a day
and the more the sun shines the less we understand
about fish or how to slice apricots
could you hold this for a minute while I
reach up here for the screwdriver
and without meaning to, achieve
an end. Cascading planets and astral bodies
conflict with the intelligence we have garnered
by observing the family customs of guinea pigs.
All will be well and all manner of things
will float to the surface
if the pot is kept at a low simmer
and lightly salted.  I couldn’t tell what
you meant by watching you breathe,
only underneath the bridge where the guardians stand at attention
did I have a clue as to what was going on.
And even then, it was startling and not enough.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Carol! I really like the rhythm and flavour you've given this one! Well done!
